When I made my introduction post for this publication I shared a magazine issue from the 60s, but I wish I'd began with an earlier issue like these here that might give a better idea of what the publication was like in its heyday.

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This issue features a ton of photos, a feature on Thomas Molineaux (a black American that fought in England in the early part of the 19th century), an expose on the prospects of rehabilitation for released convicts, much boxing news, a page in which the inquiry department answers "many intricate questions", settling bets far and wide, a feature on a prominent saloonist, baseball statistics, and many period advertisements for risque materials, cures for opium and alchohol, and the equivalents of our modern day viagra.
Get the scan of this October 26 1907 issue here.
And here's a second issue, this time from October 11, 1919

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This issue features Hollywood news, a pugilistic look-back at Irish bare-knuckle boxer Dan Donnelly, James Corbett reveals the toughest man he ever boxed, lightweight championship history, changes facing the Reds and the White Sox in the 1920 campaign, and more.
Get the scan of this October 11, 1919 issue here.
Thanks again to McCoy for the raw scans, these are a pleasure to work with.
I keep all the scans of this publication I come across in this folder here, so if you like to read these you might check back now and then for new ones. Scan yours today!
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